How to get there
GPS coordinates
N 45° 45' 10.81"
E 2° 64' 16.47"
The Mille Fleurs cottages are located at the intersection of three departments: the Puy-de-Dome, the Cantal and the Correze.
Ernestine Morsink
63810 Cros
You can also download the itinerary in PDF format using the link below.
How to get there
From Clermont-Ferrand
Follow the sign "Limoges"Leave Clermont climbing as far as "La Baraque"
Now, You follow direction of "Tulle-Bordeaux" D941a
Towards "Les quatre routes de Nebouzat" the road joins the N89. You continue in the direction of Tulle-Bordeaux
After 30 km You pass through "Rochefort-Montagne". After 4.5km You beer to the right in the direction of "Bort-les-Orgues"
Continue on the D922 pass through "Laqueuille", "Tauves", until the crossroad of "Les quatre Vents"
Turn left in the direction of "Bagnols" D25.
At the T-junction in "Bagnols",turn right and follow the signs for "Cros" D47
Just before the sign "Cros", You turn to the left in the direction of "St.Donat" D613.
Follow this route fot 2.4km, and then turn right in the direction of "Fouillat"
Now, You think you've made a mistake and it seems as if you have come to the end of the world; but NO !! You continue for 2km always straight on, you will arrive in an inhabited world. the hameau of "Fouillat"
There you make right-right-left
You arrive at a wooden house with a red roof; You have arrived!!!!!
From Paris
A 71 towards Clermont-Ferrand.
Before Riom, turn on to the A 89 direction Bordeaux.
Take exit no 25 : le Mont-Dore, la Bourboule, Bort les Orgues.
Follow the signs of Bort les Orgues and you arrive on the D 922.
Continue with the description above (from Clermont-Ferrand) number 4.
If you come from the west:
Head towards "Bort les Orgues".
At the roundabout near the dam you follow the direction of Clermont Ferrand. D922.
After "Lanobre" you arrive at ‘La Pradelle’. turn to the right in the direction of« CROS ». Turn right again always in the direction of "Cros"
Follow this road for 5 km.
Pass through CROS and turn right in the dirction "St Donat" D613 and follow the description above from number 9.
If you come from the south-east
Issoire- Besse- Picherande- St.-Donat
Pass through St.-Donat, and take a road to the right direction Cros D613
2.5 km beforet Cros you find a sign to the left direction "Fouillat"
Take the road to Fouillat
Follow the description above from number 10.